Jump in a yellow submarine, climb aboard the peace train (the last one to London), or follow the yellow brick road and join me on this magical adventure to an enchanting place called Library Land - I wrote this colorful tale in special honor of my friend and producer Matt Patrick. He is the founder of the iconic Library recording studio in Minneapolis, MN where I’ve spent so much time working on my most recent album, and he’s been so inspirational and supportive throughout the process. Writing and recording this song was one of the more memorable music moments I've had so far.
First of all it was a special experience surprising Matt with this tune. During one of the live recording sessions I nervously broke into this song without him having heard it, and was quite relieved that he loved it. So after tracking the lead vocals and guitars together I moved to the piano and played some lines that really enhanced and expanded the personality of the song, and also tied into the melody. I then jumped onto the drums and got to track those live while Matt simultaneously tracked his bass in the control room; creating a real energy that I think translated into the song. A great highlight came later when we each got on a vocal mic and had a blast performing a quite grandiose, choral arrangement together. Enjoy this gnarly tune!
℗ by Jon Arthur Schmidt